It's the glamorous Hollywood mystique. Having a pair of Jennings' earrings is like owning a bit of that magic. Apparel News

About the artist
I am Gail Jennings, a folk artist born in Los Angeles, who started making earrings from 35mm film while working in the film department at ABC-TV in Hollywood many years ago. I loved the smooth feel and saturated color and patterns of the film. I designed a pair of earrings from some Academy leader (the leader that counts down from say, 8 to 2), wore them to work and got compliments and orders. I've refined my technique over the years to include painting the film, adding beads and crystals and other found items. I hope you'll see something you'd like to purchase for yourself or someone else.
Photo credit: Melvin L. Mitchell
Our Collections
Take One - Shop Single Earrings
Stylish earrings that can be mixed and matched with other film earrings,...
Take Two - Shop Pairs of Earrings
These earrings are made from recycled 35mm film trailers, commercials and editorial...
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